Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Thrust Areas

Latest Videos

Deus Ex Machina? Questions from Wargaming

Devin Ellis

Since the nineteenth century, wargaming has been a component of planning and training in military contexts – and its techniques and concepts have spread to many other arenas.

Proportionality and the Military Targeting of Nuclear Plants

Henry Sokolski

Henry Sokolski is executive director of the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center and teaches graduate classes on nuclear policy at the University of Utah and the Institute of World Politics.

US Energy Superpower Status and a New Energy Diplomacy

The Honorable Paul Dabbar

In the last decade, U.S. energy posture has shifted from one of weakness to one of strength.

Communication is a Climate Solution

Alice Hill

Communicating climate risks and opportunities is a climate solution.

Latest Publications

Aligning Arms Control with the New Security Environment, cover

Above Scorched Skies

Dr. Zachary Davis

The Inflection Point and the U.S. Nuclear Security Enterprise, cover

The Inflection Point and the U.S. Nuclear Security Enterprise

Brad Roberts and William Tobey, co-editors


Employment Opportunities

An overarching goal of CGSR is to engage and develop the next generation of experts who can integrate significant technical expertise with a deep understanding of policy when addressing national security issues.

The Center maintains strong ties with University of California at Berkeley, Naval Postgraduate School, National Defense University, Center for Strategic & International Studies Project on Nuclear Issues and hosts fellows and interns.