Fellow Publications

The Next Chapter in US Nuclear Policy, The Washington Quarterly, Brad Roberts (July 2024)
Aligning Arms Control with the New Security Environment, CGSR Occasional Paper, Zachary S. Davis (May 2024)
Aligning Arms Control with the New Security Environment, CGSR Occasional Paper, Michael Albertson (May 2024)
Policy Primer: What is the Nuclear-Climate Nexus?, CGSR, Asmeret Asghedom (March 2024)
Russian Net Assessment and the European Security Balance, Livermore Papers on Global Security, Jacek Durkalec (March 2024)
The "New" Cognitive Dimension of Competition and War: Calibrating the Problem and NATO's Response, CGSR Research Paper, Brad Roberts, Lesley Kucharski (January 2024)
Policy Primer on Nuclear Energy: Understanding Proliferation Concerns, CGSR Research Paper, Edward Jenner, Asmeret Asghedom (October 2023)
Unchartered Waters: Assessing China's Intentions to Deploy Floating Nuclear Plants in the South China Sea, CGSR, Jonathan Deemer, Omar Pimentel, Mi Jin Ryu, Miku Yamada, Edward Jenner (June 2023)
The Morality of Nuclear Deterrence, CGSR Policy Primer, Anna Péczeli (February 2023)
NATO Nuclear Deterrence: Its Adaptation and Changing Requirements, CGSR Policy Primer, Jacek Durkalec (November 2022)
Countering the future chemical weapons threat: Toward OPCW 2.0, Science, 2022, 376, 355-357, Policy Forum, Science and Security, Tuan Nguyen (April 2022)
Nuclear decision-making, complexity and emerging and disruptive technologies: A comprehensive assessment, European Leadership Network, Anna Péczeli, Brian Radzinsky, Jacek Durkalec (February 2022)
Pro and Contra: The Incidents at Sea Agreement is a Poor Model for Cyberspace, Cyberstability Paper Series, Benjamin Bahney, Jonathan Reiber, Brandon Williams (December 2021)
The Role of Nuclear-Conventional Intermingling on State Decision-making and the Risk of Inadvertent Escalation., Strategic Multilayer Assessment study series, USSTRATCOM, Benjamin Bahney, Anna Péczeli (November 2021)
The future of arms control in a multilateral and multi-domain environment, NATO and the future of arms control, edited by Dominik P. Jankowski, NDC Policy Research Paper 21, Anna Péczeli (November 2021)
Redesigning Nuclear Arms Control for New Realities, ETH Zürich, Center for Security Studies, Anna Péczeli, Brad Roberts, Jonas Schneider, Adam Thomson, Oliver Thränert, Heather Williams (November 2021)
The Eight Levers of Coercive Conflict, CGSR, William Dawson (September 2021)
The Overconfidence Problem in Foreign Policy, CGSR, William Dawson (June 2021)
An Opportunity for Strengthening U.S.-Australian Cyber Cooperation, Lawfare, Brandon Williams (September 2020)
Rethinking Nuclear Arms Control, The Washington Quarterly, Rose Gottemoeller (September 2020)
NATO strategy to counter nuclear intimidation, NDC Research Paper, Jacek Durkalec (June 2020)
Five Reasons Why the US Should Not Withdraw from the Open Skies Treaty, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Anna Péczeli (December 2019)
The Legacy of Richard Lugar and Lessons for the Nuclear Sector, Nuclear News, Vickram Singh (November 2019)
Artificial Intelligence on the Battlefield: Implications for Deterrence and Surprise, National Defense University Press, Zachary S. Davis (October 2019)
European security without the INF Treaty, Nato Review, Jacek Durkalec (September 2019)
Persistent Engagement with Chinese Characteristics, Lawfare, Alexander Campbell (September 2019)
Nuclear Ethics and the Ban Treaty, Chapter 7 in Nuclear Disarmament, A Critical Assessment, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, Brad Roberts (April 2019)
Why Creating a Space Force Changes Nothing, Foreign Affairs, Benjamin Bahney, Jonathan Pearl (March 2019)
Anti-Satellite Weapons and the Instability of Deterrence, Chapter 6 in Cross-Domain Deterrence: Strategy in an Era of Complexity, Oxford University Press, Benjamin Bahney, Jonathan Pearl, Michael Markey (February 2019)
Multi-Domain Deterrence Table Top Exercise Summary, CGSR, C. R. Wuest (January 2018)
International Engagement in Arms Control Verification Using a Systems Approach, ESARDA Bulletin, Mona Dreicer, I. Niemeyer, G. Stein (June 2017)
A "Ring Strategy" for Russian "Loose Nukes", CGSR Research Paper, Robert L. Bovey, John R. Harvey (July 2016)
Extended Deterrence and Japan: How Much is Enough?, CGSR Research Paper, Michael Markey (February 2016)
Seizing the Initiative: Competitive Strategies and Modern U.S. Defense Policy, CGSR Research Paper, Jason D. Ellis (January 2016)