Searchable Complete Catalog

The Nuclear Future of the Middle East, CGSR, Asmeret Asghedom (January 2025)
The Next Chapter in US Nuclear Policy, The Washington Quarterly, Brad Roberts (July 2024)
Aligning Arms Control with the New Security Environment, CGSR Occasional Paper, Zachary S. Davis (May 2024)
Aligning Arms Control with the New Security Environment, CGSR Occasional Paper, Michael Albertson (May 2024)
Policy Primer: What is the Nuclear-Climate Nexus?, CGSR, Asmeret Asghedom (March 2024)
Russian Net Assessment and the European Security Balance, Livermore Papers on Global Security, Jacek Durkalec (March 2024)
The "New" Cognitive Dimension of Competition and War: Calibrating the Problem and NATO's Response, CGSR Research Paper, Brad Roberts, Lesley Kucharski (January 2024)
Policy Primer on Nuclear Energy: Understanding Proliferation Concerns, CGSR Research Paper, Edward Jenner, Asmeret Asghedom (October 2023)
The Inflection Point and the U.S. Nuclear Security Enterprise, CGSR Occasional Paper, Brad Roberts, co-editor William Tobey (October 2023)
NATO's Nuclear Deterrent: Fit for Purpose?, Journal for Strategic Analysis, Brad Roberts (September 2023)
Examining the Energy Transition Through the Lens of Great Power Competition, Livermore Papers on Global Security, Asmeret Asghedom (August 2023)
Beyond New START: Two Forecasts For Future Russian–US Arms Control, International Institute for Strageic Studies, Michael Albertson (July 2023)
Morality and Nuclear Weapons, CGSR Occasional Paper, Brad Roberts (July 2023)
Unchartered Waters: Assessing China's Intentions to Deploy Floating Nuclear Plants in the South China Sea, CGSR, Jonathan Deemer, Omar Pimentel, Mi Jin Ryu, Miku Yamada, Edward Jenner (June 2023)
Deterring a Nuclear-armed North Korea, CGSR Occasional Paper, Brad Roberts (May 2023)
China's Emergence as a Second Nuclear Peer: Implications for U.S. Nuclear Deterrence Strategy, A Report of a Study group convened by CGSR, Brad Roberts, study group chair (April 2023)
The Morality of Nuclear Deterrence, CGSR Policy Primer, Anna Péczeli (February 2023)
Competitive Strategy in Information Confrontation, Livermore Papers on Global Security, Christopher A. Ford (December 2022)
The U.S. Strategy for Dealing with a Nuclear-armed North Korea, CGSR, Manseok Lee, Juseok Oh (November 2022)
NATO Nuclear Deterrence: Its Adaptation and Changing Requirements, CGSR Policy Primer, Jacek Durkalec (November 2022)
Countering the future chemical weapons threat: Toward OPCW 2.0, Science, 2022, 376, 355-357, Policy Forum, Science and Security, Tuan Nguyen (April 2022)
Stockpile Stewardship in an Era of Renewed Strategic Competition, CGSR Occasional Paper, Brad Roberts (April 2022)
Nuclear decision-making, complexity and emerging and disruptive technologies: A comprehensive assessment, European Leadership Network, Anna Péczeli, Brian Radzinsky, Jacek Durkalec (February 2022)
Closing the Gap: Aligning Arms Control Concepts with Emerging Challenges, Livermore Papers on Global Security, Michael Albertson (February 2022)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Space: Recommendations for a New Space Policy, The George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs, Emilyn Tuomala, Kyle O’Keefe, Jacob Baker (December 2021)
Getting the Multi-Domain Challenge Right, CGSR Occasional Paper, Brad Roberts (December 2021)
Pro and Contra: The Incidents at Sea Agreement is a Poor Model for Cyberspace, Cyberstability Paper Series, Benjamin Bahney, Jonathan Reiber, Brandon Williams (December 2021)
The future of arms control in a multilateral and multi-domain environment, NATO and the future of arms control, edited by Dominik P. Jankowski, NDC Policy Research Paper 21, Anna Péczeli (November 2021)
Redesigning Nuclear Arms Control for New Realities, ETH Zürich, Center for Security Studies, Anna Péczeli, Brad Roberts, Jonas Schneider, Adam Thomson, Oliver Thränert, Heather Williams (November 2021)
The Role of Nuclear-Conventional Intermingling on State Decision-making and the Risk of Inadvertent Escalation., Strategic Multilayer Assessment study series, USSTRATCOM, Benjamin Bahney, Anna Péczeli (November 2021)
The Eight Levers of Coercive Conflict, CGSR, William Dawson (September 2021)
Nuclear Weapons Technology 101 for Policy Wonks, CGSR, Bruce T. Goodwin (August 2021)
Germany and NATO's Nuclear Deterrent, Federal Academy for Security Policy, Brad Roberts (July 2021)
Orienting the 2021 Nuclear Posture Review, The Washington Quarterly, Brad Roberts (July 2021)