Technical Challenges Associated with the New U.S. Nuclear Agenda—Summary of a Joint SNL-LLNL-CSIS Workshop: Proceedings, Briefings, and Takeaways
Energy Technologies for the 21st Century: The Roles of Renewable Energy
Argo-Terrorism: What Is the Threat? Proceedings of a workshop at Cornell University
The Enemy is Still Below—The Global Diffusion of Submarines and Related Technology
Whither Deterrence? Final Report of the 2001 Futures Project
Energy Technologies for the Markets of the 21st Century
Tracking the Global Spread of Advanced Technologies
The Insurance Value of Energy R&D
Verifying the Agreed Framework
After Globalization—Future Security in a Technology Rich World
Proliferation-Resistant Nuclear Power Systems: A Workshop on New Ideas, June 2-4, 1999
The Limits of Diplomacy: Missile Proliferation, Diplomacy, and Defense
Crossroads: Nonproliferation, South Asia, and Global Security
Procedures for Investigating Suspicious Outbreaks of Infectious Disease in a Noncooperative Environment
U.S. Nuclear Policy in the 21st Century—A Fresh Look at National Strategy and Requirements, Executive Report
U.S. Nuclear Policy in the 21st Century—A Fresh Look at National Strategy and Requirements, Final Report
Workshop on Protecting and Assuring Critical National Infrastructure: Next Steps
Meeting the Challenge of International Peace Operations: Assessing the Contribution of Technology
A Comparative Analysis of Approaches to the Protection of Fissile Materials
Inspection Procedures for Compliance Monitoring of the Biological Weapons Convention
Landmine Policy in the Near-Term: A Framework for Technology Analysis and Action
The Utility of Sampling and Analysis for Compliance Monitoring of the Biological Weapons Convention
Environmental Threats and National Security: An International Challenge to Science and Technology
Director's Series on Proliferation