2021 Speakers


Thirty years ago, the Cold War ended. Today, great power competition is back – or so it seems – with many describing our present era as a "New Cold War" between the United States and China (and Russia). But is this label an illuminating or distorting analogy?
In October 2021, the Office of the Secretary of Defense released two new climate change reports to ensure that DoD is prepared to both meet increased demand for missions and carry out those missions under a changing climate: the DoD Climate Risk Analysis (DCRA) and the Climate Adaptation Plan (CAP).
Since Peter the Great, Russian leaders have been lured by opportunity to the East. Under the tsars, Russians colonized Alaska, California, and Hawaii.
In January 2017 and again during his presidential campaign, then-Vice President Biden said that "I believe that the sole purpose of the U.S. nuclear arsenal should be deterring—and, if necessary, retaliating against—a nuclear attack."
Robert Carlin will explore how details of precedent and history are supremely important, whether in face-to-face contact with North Koreans or working from afar, yet how inattention to such detail has led off cliffs, into swamps.
As the rivalry between the US and China has intensified, the choices of countries in the Indo-Pacific such as India have come under the spotlight.
The 2020 U.S. Nuclear Employment Strategy is now publicly available for the first time and its publication is certain to raise questions about the similarities and differences to the 2013 U.S. Nuclear Employment Strategy.
Recent open-source research reveals that China may be massively building up its nuclear forces at an unprecedented speed and scale in its history
The greatest unacknowledged diplomatic achievement of the Cold War was the absence of mushroom clouds.
Relations between the United States and South Korea have become increasingly strained.
Elbridge Colby was the lead architect of the 2018 National Defense Strategy, the most significant revision of U.S. defense strategy in a generation.
Author David Cooper argues in his new book from Georgetown University Press that the United States is facing a new era of nuclear arms racing for which it is conceptually unprepared.
The Sino-Russian partnership has gone from strength to strength, and relations today are better than at any time in history.
Escalation or de-escalation is an important tool in the management of crisis and conflict.
This presentation focuses on a subset of nations in NATO—the 11 U.S. allies that are both equipped and eligible to assume operational roles under the Alliance's nuclear-sharing arrangements, as constituted at present by the Dual Capable Aircraft (DCA) posture.
Our project seeks to understand whether, when, and how great power alliance commitments to weaker states can lead to peacetime military policies that pose heightened risks of wartime escalation—particularly nuclear escalation.
This presentation will discuss how and why China is shifting its nuclear posture.
This comprehensive yet compact book provides a concise introduction to North Korea.
Sig Hecker will present the main arguments and conclusions from his upcoming book with Elliot Serbin on North Korea's nuclear program.
Our project seeks to understand whether, when, and how great power alliance commitments to weaker states can lead to peacetime military policies that pose heightened risks of wartime escalation—particularly nuclear escalation.
As the Biden administration prepares to conduct a nuclear posture review, two key principles—reducing the risk of accidental war and maintaining deterrence for less cost—should drive major changes in policy.
States have concluded that there seems to be no reason that international law, specifically the U.N. Charter and rules of customary international law (CIL) derived from the Charter's principles, should not apply to cyberspace.
Our project seeks to understand whether, when, and how great power alliance commitments to weaker states can lead to peacetime military policies that pose heightened risks of wartime escalation—particularly nuclear escalation.
Popular and political discussions of the changing climate invariably invoke "The Science" as settled.
The upcoming NPT Review Conference (RevCon) -- delayed from 2020 due to the pandemic and now tentatively scheduled for August 2021 -- is likely to be contentious, like all previous RevCons.
Emerging and disruptive technologies (EDTs) pose a number of uncertainties for the future of conflict, but nowhere are these uncertainties more acute than in the realm of nuclear stability and deterrence.
Since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, Iran has emerged as one of the world's foremost gray zone actors, and for more than four decades, the United States has struggled to understand the rather unique requirements of gray zone deterrence.
Iran's nuclear program has been a source of disagreement between the United States and Iran for decades, but efforts to resolve the conflict have been hard fought and often short lived.
We are now in an era of rapid disruptive technological change, especially in artificial intelligence (AI). AI technology is already being infused into military machines, and global armed forces are well advanced in their planning, research and development, and in some cases, deployment of AI-enabled capabilities.
The U.S. faces challenges of peer competition across all scales of intensity, and the U.S. military is increasingly finding itself lacking options.
Many of us take as a given that the Triad of U.S. nuclear forces helps prevent major wars and promote strategic stability among the major powers.
Ms. Cox will discuss the Alliance's important role in nuclear deterrence.
The Biden administration, like its predecessors, will review U.S. nuclear policy.
Mitchell was tasked by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg with co-chairing an expert commission with former German Defense Minister Thomas de Maiziere to provide recommendations for strengthening the political dimension of the NATO Alliance.
It is well-established that climate change is happening and is caused by humans. Further, it is clear that humanity is largely not doing the things we know we need to do to control the problem.
Since it was negotiated in 2015, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran (JCPOA) has rarely been out of the headlines.
When the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference convenes this August, after more than a year-long delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it will undoubtedly feature a well-worn yet imbalanced debate over disarmament.
We are in a period of open technological innovation that gives ordinary individuals and small groups unprecedented power.
This talk looks at the numerous ways in which public misinformation, malinformation and disinformation can complicate and magnify strategic risks such as biosecurity events.
Iran's nuclear program is accelerating, and the Iran nuclear deal--which the United States withdrew from in 2018--is hanging on by a thread.
A new missile age has begun, one with profound implications for U.S. national security.
Xi Jinping has made his ambitions for the People's Liberation Army (PLA) perfectly clear, there is no mystery what he wants, first, that China should become a "great maritime power" and secondly, that the PLA "become a world-class armed force by 2050."
Contemporary debates on Russian nuclear strategy focus on making sense of Russia's nuclear capabilities, signaling and nuclear declarations.