Brigadier General Feroz Hassan Khan (retired) and Mansoor Ahmed
Watch Now The Center for Global Security Research (CGSR) is sponsoring a talk entitled "Pakistan: Living with Nuclear Weapons."
Matthew H. Kroenig
The Center for Global Security Research (CGSR) is sponsoring a talk entitled "Nuclear Superiority and Nuclear Crisis Outcomes."
Bruce T. Goodwin
Presented at the Center for InternationalSecurity and Cooperation (CISAC)Stanford University, CA
Thomas E. Graham
Thomas Graham, a Managing Director, joined Kissinger Associates, Inc., in 2007.
Neil Joeck
Presentation starts at 8:00 PM, at the Castlewood Country Club
Neil Joeck
Several critical developments over the past two decades present India with national security and international diplomatic opportunities and challenges unlike anything it has faced before.
Paul Heer
In the view of many political analysts, China will be the most important foreign policy challenge for the US for several decades. Paul Heer will evaluate China's strategic ambitions and its perceptions of the international environment, and how they are reflected in Beijing's regional and global strategies.
Ambassador Robert Joseph
Ambassador Joseph, the former Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security will be giving a lecture on minimum deterrence and missile defense as well as engaging in a roundtable on the North Korean and Iranian nuclear programs.
Thomas Hegghammer
Hegghammer is one of the world's experts on Al-Qaida and international terrorism. He will deliver a lecture on the use of the Internet by jihadi networks and the threat posed by terrorist exploitation of the Internet.
Feroz Khan
Feroz Khan will give a lecture on his book "Eating Grass: Pakistan's Nuclear Program" and hold a small group discussion with interested lab analysts on the factors that went into Pakistan's decisions to develop nuclear weapons and thinking about how to use nuclear weapons.
George Perkovich
The goal of nuclear disarmament was enshrined in the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons in 1970 and continues to be an elusive policy objective of many nations around the world. President Obama made it a centerpiece of his foreign policy by saying in May 2009 that America is committed "to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons
Robert Litwak
In the Bush era, Iran and North Korea were branded "rogue" states for their flouting of international norms, and changing their regimes was the administration's goal. The Obama administration has chosen instead to call these countries nuclear "outliers" and has proposed means other than regime change to bring them back into "the community of nations."
Kenneth Lieberthal
Recent reports of cyber attacks against U.S business and government websites capture one troubling aspect of the foreign policy challenge the United States must address in its relations with China. Lieberthal, a senior fellow in Foreign Policy and Global Economy and Development at the Brookings Institution, will address this critical issue.