Research Associate Products

Unchartered Waters: Assessing China's Intentions to Deploy Floating Nuclear Plants in the South China Sea, CGSR, Jonathan Deemer, Omar Pimentel, Mi Jin Ryu, Miku Yamada, Edward Jenner (June 2023)
Competitive Strategy in Information Confrontation, Livermore Papers on Global Security, Christopher A. Ford (December 2022)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Space: Recommendations for a New Space Policy, The George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs, Emilyn Tuomala, Kyle O’Keefe, Jacob Baker (December 2021)
Former intern, a 'Voice of Tomorrow,' wins Rieser award, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Jake Tibbetts (December 2020)
The Future of the NPT: REVCON AND BEYOND, CGSR, Ryan Swan (December 2020)
China's Bid To Lead Artificial Intelligence Chip Development within the Decade, Office of Devense Coordination, LLNL, Mary Gullett, Samantha Bleykhman (October 2020)
America Must Act To Avoid A Biotechnology Arms Race, The National Interest, Marigny Kirschke-Schwartz (September 2020)
Keeping Classified Information Secret in a World of Quantum Computing, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Jake Tibbetts (February 2020)
Lessons from the Cyberattack on India's Largest Nuclear Power Plant, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Alexander Campbell, Vickram Singh (November 2019)
Hypersonic Weapons: Tactical Uses and Strategic Goals, Texas National Security Review, Alan Cummings (November 2019)
Will Artificial Intelligence Imperil Nuclear Deterrence?, War on the Rocks, Rafael Loss, Joseph Johnson (September 2019)
Persistent Engagement with Chinese Characteristics, Lawfare, Alexander Campbell (September 2019)
MAD in an AI Future?, CGSR, Joseph Johnson (June 2019)
Cooperative Counterproliferation with Allies and Rivals, CGSR, Ariel F.W. Petrovics (June 2019)
Next-Generation Wargames, Science, Research Library, rew W. Reddie (December 2018)
Modernization of US Nuclear Forces: Costs in Perspective, CGSR, Daniel Tapia-Jimenez (March 2017)