Lewis A. Dunn
Presented here is the inaugural paper in a new monograph series we have created under the auspices of the Center for Global Security Research (CGSR).
Matthew Rojansky
Dangerously dysfunctional relations between Washington and Moscow have been blamed by the press, pundits and even the presidential candidates on the failure of U.S. policymakers to properly "read" Vladimir Putin and thus to predict the Kremlin's supposedly strategic foreign policy agenda.
Siegfried S. Hecker
It is difficult to imagine today how dramatically global nuclear risks changed 25 years ago as the Soviet Union began to disintegrate.
Chris Twomey
Watch Now Modern scholars of East Asia suggest nuclear weapons give us reasons to be optimistic about peace in the region. This study will argue that these views are wrong; nuclear affairs in contemporary East Asia, characterized in important ways by multipolarity and complexity, will have a net destabilizing effect on the region.
Peppino DeBiaso
Watch Now The presentation entitled "U.S. Missile Defense: Shifting Strategic Landscape and Implications for Policy, Technology and Capabilities" will examine the root of contemporary American BMD policy, programs and deployments including its evolution over the past 15 years.
Gregory D. Koblentz
Watch Now Since the end of the Cold War, a new nuclear order has emerged shaped by rising nuclear statesin Asia and advanced military technologies that pose new challenges to strategic stability.
Austin Long
Watch Now International political outcomes are deeply shaped by the balance of power, but some military capabilities rely on secrecy in order to be effective (e.g. certain forms of cyber, signals intelligence, space systems, electronic warfare, stealth or counterstealth).
Emile Nakhleh
Watch Now This talk will highlight the continuing threat from ISIS, the factors—policy and radical ideology—that drive it, and its apparent resiliency.
Tom Countryman
Thomas Countryman will discuss current nuclear non-proliferation challenges confronting U.S. policymakers, and explain how the U.S. Department of State is approaching these challenges.
Tai Ming Cheung
From fighter aircraft to high-performance computers, China has been making concerted advances in the development of its defense science, technology, and innovation capabilities since the beginning of the 21st Century.
Brad Roberts
Watch Now CGSR director Brad Roberts is the author of a new book by Stanford University Press, entitled The Case for U.S. Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century.
Josef Joffe
After the "End of History" marked by the fall of the Berlin Wall, Europe began to cash in its peace dividends, equating the self-abolition of the Soviet Union with eternal tranquility.
Ashley J. Tellis
Watch Now Prime Minister Narendra Modi's call for India to become a leading power represents a change in how the country's top political leadership conceives of its role in international politics.
Lewis A. Dunn
Watch Now Eight years after President Obama's April 2009 Prague Speech affirmed America's commitment "to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons", the global nuclear landscape confronting the next American president in 2017 will be very different.
F. Gregory Gause, III
Watch Now The Center for Global Security Research (CGSR) is hosting a talk by Professor Gregory Gause, entitled "New Middle East Cold War." Following the lecture there will be a question and answer session. This is open to the Laboratory.
Michael M. May
Watch Now To mark this significant milestone, CGSR has organized an event to engage May in a broadconversation about changes in the security environment, elements of continuity and change in U.S.nuclear policy, and their implications for the laboratory.
Kristin Ven Bruusgaard
Watch Now As part of the ongoing Nuclear Crossroads Initiative, the Center for Global Security Research (CGSR) is sponsoring a talk by Kristin Ven Bruusgaard, entitled "Russian Views on Strategic Deterrence." Following the lecture there will be a question and answer session.
Frank A. Rose
As part of the ongoing Nuclear Crossroads Initiative, the Center for Global Security Research(CGSR) is sponsoring this talk. Following the lecture there will be a question and answer session.This is open to the Laboratory.
Francis J. Gavin
Watch Now We are fortunate to be in the midst of what has been called a renaissance in nuclear studies, bothwithin political science and international history. How much do we know about nuclear dynamicsand international relations, and what are the best ways – and challenges – to learning more?