From Rapid Tech Delivery to Deterrence: The Evolving Landscape of DoD Innovation

July 17, 2024

Abstract: This seminar explores the shifting definition and focus of innovation within the United States Department of Defense (DoD). Initially championed by Secretary Chuck Hagel to expedite new technology delivery, the concept evolved under Secretary Ash Carter to prioritize accelerated transition of commercial tech directly to the warfighter. In 2016, Secretary Carter stood up the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) in Silicon Valley as a prototyping agency. Recent geopolitical landscape, shaped by Great Power competition and the Russia-Ukraine War has changed the focus of innovation to deterrence; now needed to "deter conflict and, if deterrence fails, win the war." This seminar delves into the past and current DoD innovation landscape, agencies and strategies. We discuss ongoing efforts, such as Replicator and consider implications of an accelerated commercial conventional deterrent on the LLNL nuclear deterrent mission.

Bio: Dr. Kirkendall (WPD/SD Directorate) recently completed a three-year Inter-personnel Act (IPA) at the Defense Innovation Unit in Mountain View, California as Technical Director for Space. He stood up several cross-agency programs focused on hypersonics, advanced nuclear power & propulsion, beyond-geosynchronous responsive launch and early hybrid space architectures. Previously, he led the nuclear weapons effects program in SD. Currently, he's leading an effort to integrate LLNL more comprehensively within the national Re-Entry Vehicle community.
