Dr Robert Schock

schock1 [at] llnl.gov (schock1[at]llnl[dot]gov) (925) 422-6141


Dr. Robert Schock is an Associate Senior Fellow at the Center for Global Security Research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. He is also co-chair of the Energy Permanent Monitoring Panel for the World Federation of Scientists and Senior Advisor and the former Director of Studies for the World Energy Council in London. He was a Coordinating Lead Author (Energy Sources) for the 4th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Schock worked for 34 years at LLNL, holding a number of positions including Associate Director in which he initiated or was responsible for programs in advanced energy technologies including magnetic fusion, hydrogen fuels, geothermal, in-situ coal gasification, oil shale retorting, environmental restoration and waste management, and energy policy analysis. He was a delegate to the U.S.–Russian bilateral negotiations on nuclear nonproliferation (1999-2000) and worked on verification of the Agreed Framework with North Korea (2001).

Schock has served on the editorial boards of five scientific journals and on national scientific panels for the U.S. National Research Council, the Department of Energy, and the National Science Foundation. He was a Senior Fulbright Fellow in Germany and a Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University. He is an author or coauthor of more than 150 scientific and technical papers. He holds a B.S. degree in geology from Colorado College, an M.S. degree in geochemistry from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and a Ph.D. in geophysics also from Rensselaer.

Selected Publications


R. N. Schock and R. E. . Sims, convening lead authors, "Energy Supply Systems," in Global Energy Assessment, Cambridge University Press (2012).

R. E. H. Sims and R. N. Schock, co-coordinating lead authors, "Energy Sources," Chapter 4, 4th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Working Group III (2007).

R.N. Schock, Director of Studies, World Energy Council, papers commissioned and published during 2005-2010, worldenergy.org/publications:

  • Survey of Energy Resources 2010, 608 pages (November 2010)
  • Water for Energy, 51 pages (September 2010)
  • Energy and Urban Innovation, 176 pages (September 2010)
  • Logistics Bottlenecks, 52 pages (September 2010)
  • Pursuing Sustainability: Assessment of Country Energy and Climate Policies, 88 pages (September 2010)
  • Trade and Investment Rules for Energy, 42 pages (September 2009)
  • Survey of Energy Resources: Interim Update, 94 pages (July 2009)
  • Assessment of Energy Policy and Practices, 20 pages (December 2008)
  • Transport Technologies and Policy Scenarios to 2050, 69 pages (October 2007)
  • Global Survey of Energy Resources, 583 pages (September 2007)
  • Deciding the Future: Energy Scenarios to 2050, 100 pages (September 2007)
  • Energy and Climate Change, 139 pages (May 2007)

R. N. Schock, et al., Energy End-Use Technologies for the Twenty-First Century, Study Group Report (R. N. Schock, Chair), World Energy Council, London (July 2004).

R. N. Schock, E. S. Vergino, N. Joeck, and R. F. Lehman, "Atoms for Peace after 50 Years," Issues in Science and Technology, pp. 37-40 (Spring 2004).

R.N. Schock, et al., Energy Technologies for the Twenty-First Century, Study Group Report (R.N. Schock, Chair), World Energy Council, London (August 2001).

R. N. Schock, N. Brown, and C. F. Smith, "Nuclear Power, Small Nuclear Technology, and the Role of Technical Innovation: An Assessment," in Workshop on Nuclear Energy Technologies: A Policy Framework for Micro-Nuclear Technology, James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy, Rice University, Houston, Texas (March 19-20, 2001).

W. Fulkerson, M. D. Levine, R. N. Schock, and T. J. Wilbanks, "Developing Country Partnerships for Environmental Energy Technology Research, Development, Demonstration, and Deployment (RD3)," commissioned paper for the President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), Panel on U.S. Government Roles in International Cooperation on Energy Research, Development, Demonstration, and Deployment (3 February 1999).

R. N. Schock, W. Fulkerson, M. L. Brown, R. L. San Martin, D. Greene, and J. Edmunds, "How Much is Energy Research and Development Worth as Insurance?" Annual Review of Energy and the Environment, 24, 487-512 (1999).

J. A. Hassberger, R. N. Schock, and T. H. Isaacs, "Prospects of and Requirements for Nuclear Power as a Contributor toward Managing Greenhouse Gases," in Environment and Nuclear Energy, B. Kursunoglo et al., Eds., Plenum Press, New York, pp. 91-102 (1998).

G. V. Kaiper and R. N. Schock, "Harnessing Science and Technology to Meet World Energy Needs," International Journal of Environmentally Conscious Design and Manufacturing, 5, (3-4), 15-34 (1996).

G. D. Berry, A. D. Pasternak, G. D. Rambach, J. R. Smith, and R. N. Schock, "Hydrogen as a Future Transportation Fuel," Energy, 21, 289-303 (1996).

R. N. Schock, W. Fulkerson, and J. White, "What Einstein Might Have Told Congress about Energy," Energy Daily, King Publications, Washington, D.C., p. 3 (17 August 1995).

R. N. Schock, "Global Trends in Energy Use: Indications for Research," Proc. Global Climate Change: Its Mitigation through Improved Production and Use of Energy, Los Alamos, NM (October 21-24, 1991), pp. 197-203 (1992).

R. N. Schock, "Is the U.S. Prepared for a Role in Future World Energy Economies?" The Financier, (1992).

R. N. Schock and A. G. Duba, "Point Defects in Minerals," Advanced Mineralogy, A. S. Marfunin, Ed., Springer Verlag, Moscow, USSR (1992).

A. G. Duba, R. N. Schock, and E. L. Arnold, "An Apparatus for Measurement of Electrical Conductivity to 1500°C at Known Oxygen Fugacity," American Geophysical Union, Monograph 56, 207-209 (1990).

R. N. Schock, A. G. Duba, and T. J. Shankland, "Electrical Conduction in Olivine," J. Geophys. Res., 94, (B5), 5829-5839 (1989).

R. N. Schock, "John C. Jamieson, January 5,1924 to June 26, 1983," J. Geophys. Res., 91, (B5), 4616-4620 (1986).

R. N. Schock, Ed., "Point Defects in Minerals," American Geophysical Union, Monograph 31, (1985).

R. N. Schock and A. G. Duba, "Point Defects and the Mechanism of Electrical Conduction in Olivine," American Geophysical Union, Monograph 31, (1985).

R. N. Schock and A. G. Duba, "Mechanisms of Electrical Conductivity in Olivine," Proc. Intl. Geol. Conf., Moscow, USSR (August 4-14, 1984).

R. N. Schock, "Meeting Report: Chapman Conference, Fallen Leaf Lake," EOS Transactions, 64, 493-494 (1983).

R. N. Schock and H. Louis, "Strain Behavior of a Granite and a Graywacke Sandstone in Tension," J. Geophys. Res., 87, 7817-7823 (1982).

B. P. Bonner and R. N. Schock, "Seismic Wave Velocity," in Physical Properties of Rocks, Y. S. Touloukian, et al., Eds., McGraw Hill (1981).

J. Akella, Q. Johnson, and R. N. Schock, "Phase Transition in Americium at High Pressure: Relation to Rare Earth Elements," J. Geophys. Res., 85, 7056-7058 (1980).

R. N. Schock, M. E. Hanson, R. P. Swift, and O. R. Walton, "In Situ Fracture Related to Energy and Resource Recovery," Proc. Seventh AIRAPT International High Pressure Conference, Le Creusot, France (30 July-3 August 1979).

J. Akella, Q. Johnson, W. Thayer, and R. N. Schock, "Crystal Structure of the High-Pressure Form of Am," J. Less Common Metals, 68, 95-97 (1979).

A. S. Kusubov, W. B. Durham, R. N. Schock, J. F. Schatz, and T. J. Ahrens, "Explosive-Induced Damage in Porous Sandstone," Proc. Seventh AIRAPT International High Pressure Conference, Le Creusot, France (30 July-3 August, 1979).

R. N. Schock, "The Response of Rocks to Large Stresses," in Impact and Explosion Cratering, D. J. Roddy, R. O. Pepin, and R. B. Merrill, Eds., Pergamon Press, New York, pp. 657-668 (1977).

A. G. Duba, H. C. Heard, R. N. Schock, and M. R. Chakrabarty, "The Electrical Conductivity Tensor of Olivine under Controlled Oxygen Fugacity," Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 58, 1235-1236 (1977).

M. S. Costantino and R. N. Schock, "A Constitutive Relation for Dilatant Behavior in Brittle Rocks," Proc. Sixth AIRAPT International High Pressure Conference, Boulder, Colorado (25-29 July 1977).

R. N. Schock, A. G. Duba, H. C. Heard, and H. D. Stromberg, "The Electrical Conductivity of Polycrystalline Olivine and Pyroxene Under Pressure," in High Pressure Research: Applications to Geophysics, M. H. Manghnani and S. Akimoto, Eds., Academic Press, New York, pp. 39-51 (1977).

R. N. Schock, A. E. Abey, and A. Duba, "Quasistatic Deformation of Porous Beryllium and Aluminum," J. Appl. Phys., 47, 53-63 (1976).

A. G. Duba, H. C. Heard, A. Piwinskii, and R. N. Schock, "Electrical Conductivity of Forsterite, Enstatite, and Albite," in Phys. and Chem. of Rocks and Minerals, R. G. Strens, Ed., John Wiley and Sons (1976).

Q. Johnson and R. N. Schock, "The 4H Polytype of Silver Iodide," Acta. Cryst., B31, 1481-1483 (1975).

J. T. Cherry, R. N. Schock, and I. Sweet, "A Theoretical Model of the Dilatant Behavior of a Brittle Rock," PAGEOPH, 113, 183-196 (1975).

R. N. Schock and E. Hinze, "The Electrical Conductivity of Silver Iodide to 410 K, 0.2 GPa," J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 36, 713-721 (1975).

H. P. Liu, R. N. Schock, and D. L. Anderson, "Temperature Dependence of Spinel Elastic Constants Measured by Light-Sound Scattering," Geophys. J. R. Astr. Soc., 42, 217-250 (1975).

R. N. Schock and E. Hinze, "Kristallstrukturen and Electrische Leitfahigkeitsmessungen an Silberjodid Einkristallen im Druckbereich bis 5 kbar," in Proc. Twelfth Ann. Mtg. European High Pressure Research Group, Marburg, Germany (1974).

A. G. Duba, H. C. Heard, and R. N. Schock, "Electrical Conductivity of Olivine at High Pressure and Under Controlled Oxygen Fugacity," J. Geophys. Res., 79, 1667-1673 (1974).

R. N. Schock and H. C. Heard, "Static Mechanical Properties and Shock Loading Response in Granite," J. Geophys. Res., 79, 1662-2666 (1974).

R. N. Schock, H. C. Heard, and D. R. Stephens, "Stress-Strain Behavior of a Granodiorite and Two Graywacke Sandstones on Compression to 20 kilobars," J. Geophys. Res., 78, 5922-5941 (1973).

R. N. Schock and A. G. Duba, "Pressure Effects on the Response of Foil Strain Gages," Expl. Mech., 13, 43-44 (1973).

A. G. Duba, H. C. Heard, and R. N. Schock, "The Lunar Temperature Profile," Earth Plan. Sci. Ltrs., 15, 301-304 (1972).

R. N. Schock and A. G. Duba, "Quasistatic Deformation of Solids With Pressure," J. Appl. Phys., 43, 2204-2210 (1972).

R. N. Schock, B. Olinger, and A. G. Duba, "Additional Data on the Compression of Olivine to 140 kbar," J. Geophys. Res., 77, 382-384 (1972).

R. N. Schock and Q. Johnson, "Compression of Iridium to 175 kbar," Fiz, Metal. Metralloved, 31, 1100 (1971).

H. D. Stromberg and R. N. Schock, "A Window Configuration for High Pressure Optical Cells," Rev. Sci. Instr., 41, 1880-1881 (1970).

R. N. Schock, "Dynamic Elastic Moduli of Rocks Under Pressure," in Symposium on Engineering with Nuclear Explosives, American Nuclear Society, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 110-126 (1970).

R. N. Schock and J. C. Jamieson, "Pressure-Induced Phase Transformations in the Bl Ag-Halides," J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 30, 1527-1533 (1969).

R. N. Schock, "Chemical Potentials in the Interiors of the Earth and Other Planets," Trans. Amer. Geophys. U., 49, 755 (1968).

R. N. Schock and S. Katz, "Pressure Dependence of the Infrared Absorption of Calcite," Amer. Mineral, 53, 1901-1917 (1968).

R. N. Schock and S. Katz, "Electrical Conductivity of Silver Iodide to 100 kbar," J. Chem. Phys., 48, 2094-2096 (1968).

R. N. Schock and S. Katz, "High Pressure Study of AgI: Diffusion in a Pressure Gradient," J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 28, 1985-1993 (1967).

R. N. Schock, "Note on the Texture of Some Pleistocene Sand," J. Sed. Petrology, pp. 500-503 (1965).


A. C. Klein, B. K. Hartline, R. L. Long, R. N. Schock, and M. B. Sellman, Report to the DOE of the Nuclear Energy Advisory Committee, Subcommittee on Nuclear Laboratory Requirements (30 September 2004).

R. Denning, R. Bari, J. Eagle, C. Olinger, G. Rochau, J. Roglans, and R. Schock, Guidelines for the Performance of Nonproliferation Assessments, for the National Nuclear Security Administration, NA-241 (2003).

M. May, C. Braun, G. Bunn, Z. Davis, J. Hassberger, R. Lehman, W. Ruhter, W. Sailor, R. Schock, and N. Suski, Verifying the Agreed Framework (with the DPRK), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-ID-142036 (2001).

R. N. Schock and J. A. Hassberger, Chairs, Organizing Committee, Proliferation-Resistant Nuclear Power Systems: A Workshop on New Ideas, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-JC-137954 (2000).

J. A. Hassberger, R. N. Schock, and T. H. Isaacs, Prospects of and Requirements for Nuclear Power as a Contributor Toward Managing Greenhouse Gases, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-JC-128675 (1997).

G. D. Berry, J. R. Smith and R. N. Schock, "A Smooth Transition to Hydrogen Transportation Fuel," DOE Hydrogen Program Review, Coral Gables, FL (19-21 April 1995), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-JC-120152 (1995).

R. N. Schock, "Energy for a Sustainable World", in Energy and Technology Review, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Report, UCRL-52000-92-6 (June 1992).

R. N. Schock and A. G. Duba, Point Dejects in Olivine, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-90585 (1984).

R. N. Schock, Controversies in the Geological Sciences: The Conduct of Investigations, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-89787 (1984).

M. S. Costantino and R. N. Schock, A Constitutive Relation for Compressive Loading in Nugget Sandstone, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-52036 (1976).

R. N. Schock and A. G. Duba, The Effect of Electrical Potential on Scale Formation in Salton Sea Brine, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-51944 (1975).

R. N. Schock, B. P. Bonner, and H. Louis, Collection of Ultrasonic Velocity Data as a Function of Pressure for Polycrystalline Solids, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-51508 (1974).

A. G. Duba, A. E. Abey, B. P. Bonner, H. C. Heard, and R. N. Schock, High-Pressure Mechanical Properties of Kayenta Sandstone, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-51526 (1974).

W. M. Benzing, B. P. Bonner, and R. N. Schock, Ultrasonic Travel Times in a Granodiorite Under Uniaxial Compression, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-51477 (1973).

H. C. Heard, B. P. Bonner, A. G. Duba, R. N. Schock, and D. R. Stephens, High-Pressure Mechanical Properties of Mt. Helen, Nevada, Tuff, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCID-16261 (1973).

B. P. Bonner, A. E. Abey, H. C. Heard and R. N. Schock, High-Pressure Mechanical Properties of Shales and Regolith from the Middle Gust Site, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCID-16103 (1972).

H. C. Heard, D. R. Stephens, and R. N. Schock, High-Pressure Equation-of-State Measurements for Altered Basalts and Breccias from Amchitka Island, Alaska, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCID-16165 (1972).

R. N. Schock, A. E. Abey, H. C. Heard, and H. Louis, Mechanical Properties of Granite from the Taourirt Tan Afella Massif, Algeria, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-51296 (1972).

R. N. Schock, H. C. Heard, and D. R. Stephens, Comparison of the Mechanical Properties of Graywacke Sandstones from Several Gas Stimulations Sites, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-51261 (1972).

R. N. Schock, H. C. Heard, and D. R Stephens, Mechanical Properties of Rocks from the Site of the Rio Blanco Gas Stimulation Experiment, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-51260 (1972).

B. P. Bonner, A. E. Abey, H. C. Heard, and R. N. Schock, High-Pressure Mechanical Properties of Merlin Alluvium, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-51252 (1972).

A. E. Abey, B. P. Bonner, H. C. Heard, and R. N. Schock, Mechanical Properties of a Shale from Site U-2, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCID-16023 (1972).

D. R. Stephens, H. C. Heard, and R. N. Schock, High-Pressure Mechanical Properties of Polymethylmethacrylate, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCID-16007 (1972).

H. C. Heard, R. N. Schock, and D. R. Stephens, High-Pressure Mechanical Properties of Tuff from the Diamond Mine Site, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-51099 (1971).

D. R. Stephens, H. C. Heard, and R. N. Schock, Preliminary Equation-of-State Data for Baneberry Altered Tuff, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCID-15874 (1971).

R. N. Schock, H. C. Heard, and D. R. Stephens, High-Pressure Mechanical Properties of Rocks from Wagon Wheel No.1, Pinedale, Wyoming, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-50963 (1970).

D. R. Stephens, H. C. Heard, and R. N. Schock, High-Pressure Mechanical Properties of Tuff from the Diamond Dust Site, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-50858 (1970).

R. N. Schock, H. Louis, and E. M. Lilley, The Determination of Acoustic Velocities and Dynamic Elastic Moduli in Rocks under Pressure, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-50730 (1969).

Conference Papers and Invited Talks

R. N. Schock, Assessments of Energy Policies and Practices, World Federation of Scientists, Erice, Italy (August 2011).

R. N. Schock, Energy Technologies for the 21st Century: The Roles of Renewable Energy, World Federation of Scientists, Erice, Italy (19 August 2005).

R. N. Schock, RD&D and Innovation in Energy Technologies, World Federation of Scientists, Erice, Italy (19 August 2005).

J. A. Hassberger, R. N. Schock, and T. H. Isaacs, "Prospects of and Requirements for Nuclear Power as a Contributor toward Managing Greenhouse Gases," International Conference on Environment and Nuclear Energy (27-29 October 1997).

R. N. Schock, W. Fulkerson, M. L. Brown, and R. L. San Martin, “How Much is Energy R&D Worth?” 32nd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference Proceedings, Honolulu, HI, available from LLNL, UCRL-JC-127363 (1997).

R. N. Schock, "Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration at the University of California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory," Technology Exchange Conference, California Utility Research Council, San Diego, CA (3-5 November 1997).

R. N. Schock, "Energy, Global Sustainability, and National Security in the 21st Century," IAEA Conference on Innovative Approaches to Fusion Energy, Pleasanton, CA (20-23 October 1997).

R. N. Schock, "What is Sustainability and What Influences It?" International Electric Research Exchange, General Meeting, San Francisco, CA (4-7 May 1997).

R. N. Schock et al., "Hydrogen as a Near–Term Transportation Fuel," International Symposium on Energy, Environment, and Economics, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, (20-24 November 1995).

R. N. Schock, "The Roles of Advanced R&D and Fuel Cells," Toward a Fuel Cell Future: Planning for the Commercialization of Fuel Cells, Sacramento, CA (2-3 September 1994).

R. N. Schock, "Energy Research Needs for a Sustainable World," Summer Study on Visions of a Sustainable Society, Santa Fe, NM (16-24 July 1991).

R. N. Schock, "Energy Research Needs for a Sustainable World," Tenth Session of International Seminars on Nuclear War and Planetary Emergencies, Erice, Italy (20-23 August 1990).

R. N. Schock, "Energy Research and Development Perspectives," American Association of Petroleum Geologists, San Francisco, CA (5 June 1990).

T. J. Shankland, A. G. Duba, and R. N. Schock, "Intimations of Electrical Conduction in Olivine and Fosterite," Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA (3-7 December 1984).

R. N. Schock, A. G. Duba, and T. J. Shankland, "Mechanisms of Electrical Conductivity in Olivine," Seventh Intl. Geological Congress, Moscow, USSR (4-14 August 1984).

R. N. Schock, "Historical Controversies in the Geological Sciences," Glass in Planetary and Geological Phenomena, Alfred University, Alfred, NY (14-18 August 1983).

R. N. Schock and A. G. Duba, "The Role of Point Defects and Electrical Conduction in Olivine," VXIII General Assembly, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany (15-27 August 1983).

T. J. Shankland, R. N. Schock, and A. G. Duba, "Thermoelectric Effect in Olivine," Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 63, 1090 (1982).

R. N. Schock, "Role of Point Defects in Geophysics," Amer. Geophys. Union Chapman Conference, Fallen Leaf Lake, CA (5-9 September 1982).

R. N. Schock and A. G. Duba, "Olivine Electrical Conductivity as a Function of Oxygen Fugacity," Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 62, 267 (1981).

R. N. Schock, A. G. Duba, and R. L. Stocker, "Defect Production and Electrical Conductivity in Olivine," Eleventh Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX (17-21 March 1980).

R. N. Schock, A. G. Duba, and R. L. Stocker, "The Effect of Oxygen Fugacity on Electrical Conductivity and Defect Production in Olivine," Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 60, 966 (1979).

R. N. Schock, "Generalized Models for Rock Response to Stress," Ann. Mtg. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Washington, D.C. (12-17 February 1978).

R. N. Schock, "Inelastic Response of Rock to Stress," Workshop on Mechanical Problems Associated with the Mining and Processing of Energy-Related Minerals, National Science Foundation, Asilomar, CA (14-16 September 1977).

R. N. Schock, "The Response of Rocks to Large Deformation Stresses," Symposium on Planetary Cratering Mechanics, Flagstaff, AZ (13-17 September 1976).

H. C. Heard, A. G. Duba, and R. N. Schock, "Geotherms Based on Electrical Conductivity of Olivine, Pyroxene, and Pyrolite," U.S.-Japan Seminar on High-Pressure Research: Applications to Geophysics, Honolulu, HI (6-9 July 1976); also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory report UCRL-78294.

A. G. Duba, H. C. Heard, A. J. Piwinskii, and R. N. Schock, "Geothermal Prospecting and the Electrical Conductivity Changes Associated with Melting," Panel Meeting on Exploratory Methods of Dry Hot Rock, Los Alamos, NM (June 1976); also available as Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-6659-MS, pp. 35-37.

R. N. Schock, "Rock Deformation at High Pressures: Models and Physical Properties," Hawaiian Inst. of Geophys., University of Hawaii (25 January 1975); also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory report UCRL-7655I (1975).

R. N. Schock, "Constitutive Relation for a Granodiorite in Compression," Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 56, 441 (1975).

R. N. Schock, A. G. Duba, H. C. Heard, and H. D. Stromberg, "The Electrical Conductivity of Polycrystalline Olivine to 5.0 GPa (50 kbar)," Sixth Lunar Science Conference, Houston, TX (17-21 March 1975); also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory report UCRL-76402 (1975).

H. C. Heard, A. G. Duba, A. J. Piwinskii, and R. N. Schock, "Electrical Conductivity Studies: Refinement of the Selenothenn," Sixth Lunar Science Conference, Houston, TX (17-21 March 1975); also available as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory report UCRL-76406 (1975).

R. N. Schock, "Deformation of Brittle Solids," in Equations of State, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Continuing Education Television Series, CE 4230 (1975).

R. N. Schock, A. G. Duba, H. C. Heard, and A. E. Abey, "Deformation of Polycrystalline Silicates," EIVR Meeting, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-76502-Abstract (1974).

R. N. Schock, "High-Pressure Deformation of Hoggar Granite and Gas-Bearing Sandstones," in U.S.-France Technical Exchange, Paris, France (1972).

R. N. Schock, "Stress-Strain Equation-of-State of Rock," in France-U.S. Plowshare Technical Exchange, Berkeley, California (1971).


R. N. Schock, Diffusion in a Pressure Gradient in AgI, Doctor of Philosophy Thesis, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York (1966).

R. N. Schock, Geology of the Pleistocene Sediments, Troy North Quandrangle, New York, Master of Science Thesis, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York (1963).

Book Reviews

Geoscience Instrumentation, E. A. Wolff and E.P. Mercanti, Eds., Rev. Sci. Inst., 46, 1596 (1975).

Carbonate Rocks, G. V. Ghilingar, Ed., J. Geol., 76, 601-602 (1968).

Diagenesis in Sediments, G. Larson and G. V. Chilingar, Eds., J. Geol., 76, 604-605 (1968).

Patent Disclosures

A. G. Duba and R. N. Schock Method for Modifying Scale Composition, Disclosure IL6075 (1975).

H. D. Stromberg and R. N. Schock, A Window Configuration for High-Pressure Cells, Disclosure (1970).


Statement before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Subcommittee on Natural Resources, Agricultural Research, and Environment, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Research Efforts in Developing Innovative Approaches for the Management of Hazardous Wastes (27 April 1989).

Statement before the U.S. House of Representatives, Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on Science, Research, and Technology, Subcommittee on Science, Space, and Technology and the Subcommittee on Mining and Natural Resources, The Continental Scientific Drilling Program (3 November 1987).

Statement before the Subcommittee on Energy Research and Development of the U.S. House of Representatives, Science, Space, and Technology Committee, The Nation's Energy Security in Terms of the Research Programs of the Department of Energy (16 July 1987).

Statement before the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, Subcommittee on Natural Resources Development and Production, The Proposed Continental Scientific Drilling and Exploration Act (24 July 1986).