Daniel Kroth is a Research Associate at the Center for Global Security Research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). His research centers on strategic stability amid an evolving landscape of emerging technologies, with a particular focus on the risks and strategic utility of conventional-nuclear entanglement.
Daniel earned BAs in Music and German Studies from Michigan State University, where he worked in a College of Engineering lab alongside his studies. After writing capstones on the political uses of music in authoritarian regimes and on the effect of emerging radio technologies on propaganda strategies, he studied political science and China studies at the University of Freiburg as a DAAD undergraduate fellow. Daniel then earned a Master of Arts of Law and Diplomacy at the Fletcher School at Tufts University with a focus on nuclear weapons and emerging technologies and studied cybersecurity and artificial intelligence policy at the Harvard Kennedy School.
Daniel worked as a researcher at Woodrow Wilson Center’s Science and Technology Innovation Program, and, following his master’s, served as an Associate Director on the Special Competitive Studies Project’s Society Panel.
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