fournier2 [at] (fournier2[at]llnl[dot]gov) (925) 423-6129
Dr. Kevin Fournier is a Fellow at the Center for Global Security Research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. His work focuses on major power rivalry and multi-domain deterrence. Dr. Fournier is the User Office Director at the National Ignition Facility (NIF); he is responsible for implementing facility governance, aiding the successful implementation of experiments by all users, and communication to the constituencies that are the major users of the facility.
Dr. Fournier has been at LLNL for over 27 years as a graduate student, post-doc., a staff scientist, and a member of the management team. Prior to leading the NIF User Office, Dr. Fournier ran LLNL’s National Security Applications Program (2005 – 2015) and implemented radiation effects testing programs at the NIF and elsewhere for several DoD agencies. Dr. Fournier has a PhD in atomic structure and plasma spectroscopy from the Johns Hopkins University and a BS in physics from Duke University.