Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

May 18, 2016

After the “End of History” marked by the fall of the Berlin Wall, Europe began to cash in its peace dividends, equating the self-abolition of the Soviet Union with eternal tranquility. A drastic example: Germany cut its 5000 MBTs down to 250. But the respite ended in the present decade - with 3 new threats: the resurgence of Russia, the spectacular attacks of Terror International, and the flood of millions of migrants destabilizing the domestic politics of the E.U. Is Europe willing and able to act strategically? What is the role of the U.S.? How does Europe “defend” against unarmed masses?

Josef Joffe is editor of the German newspaper, Die Zeit. He is the Abramowitz Fellow in International Relations at the Hoover Institution. He teaches a seminar on U.S. foreign policy at Stanford University each year.

Presentation available soon.