Madison Raasch is a Research Associate at the Center for Global Security Research (CGSR) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Madison began her career as a campaign staffer for several campaigns, an independent community organizer and an elected official on the Governing Board of Cabrillo Community College. She transferred to UC Berkeley where she majored in Political Science with a subfield specialization in International Relations and earned minors in both Public Policy and Dutch Studies. Her studies have revolved around the intersection of emergent technologies and international relations, with a particular interest in social technologies. During her BA, she interned at the Institute of European Studies at UC Berkeley and the Office of the City of Berkeley’s Council District 7. She is a member of the UC Berkeley Nuclear Policy Working Group (NPWG).
She is an incoming graduate student of Information and Data Science at the UC Berkeley School of Information, through which she seeks to attain the skills necessary for computational political analysis, governance and organizing. Her research emphasis at LLNL is conflict in the information domain; she is undertaking a research project analyzing thresholds of intervention in information-based warring operations under the Future of Long-Term Competitive Strategies thrust area at CGSR. She seeks to bring the zeal, practicality, and vision of a political organizer to the international security and affairs space.
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